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Commander (ret'd) James Patrick Hutton CD, BSc, MSc, MBA

High School

Ordinary Seaman

Royal Military College

Naval Commander

Successful Executive

   Happily Retired
  Jim Hutton's journey from a teenager,  to an Ordinary Seaman,  to a RMC Grad,  to a Commander,  to an Executive  to Happily Retired

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Posted by:  
 Jim Hutton
Wednesday, April 12, 2023      

Karen and Eileen Visit Us in Florida – April 2023

Karen and Eileen visited us in Florida in April 2023. They both have very busy lives so it was an opportunity for them to get away for some rest and relaxation. So, we didn’t plan any sightseeing outings. We spent much of our time lounging by the pool and walking on the beach which is exactly what we do most of the time when we are not entertaining visitors from the North. 

We did find time for a couple short shopping trips to North Port, Florida and we also visited Sharky’s on the Pier which is an excellent seafood restaurant situated right on the beach in Venice, Florida.






Photos of our Adventures 



The Tiki Hut at Venice Beach

The Entrance to Sharky’s on the Pier, Venice Beach


Marie and Karen Walking Manasota Beach

All Four of Us During a Sunset Walk on the Beach


Just Relaxing in the Pool on Lemon Avenue

A Photo With Captain Morgan at Sharky’s


Karen Takes a Selfie on the Beach

Karen Demonstrates Her Selfie Expertise