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Commander (ret'd) James Patrick Hutton CD, BSc, MSc, MBA

High School

Ordinary Seaman

Royal Military College

Naval Commander

Successful Executive

   Happily Retired
  Jim Hutton's journey from a teenager,  to an Ordinary Seaman,  to a RMC Grad,  to a Commander,  to an Executive  to Happily Retired

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Posted by:  
 Jim Hutton
Wednesday, April 10, 2024      

Our Many Walks on the Beach in Florida 2024


As many know when we are at our Florida Get-a-Way we really don’t do much and we don’t act as a host or tour guide for anyone who visits.  What we do regularly is we walk Manasota Beach. It’s about a mile from the house we rented in 2024 and we usually walk for about 1.5 miles along the beach before we turn around and head home.  All together we can do a five mile walk but most days its about 4 miles. 


All Ready for Our Beach Walk

A Photo of the Beach Walkers

Some days the waters are calm and some days the waves can be unforgiving if you aren’t watching where you’re walking.  Such was a day when a wave came in and took Marie’s feet out from out of her.  Unfortunately I was too busy helping her up before she was taken out to sea to get a photo of the incident J

Some days we get a good Selfie and others not so much

One benefit, that we learned very early when we first started our trips to Manasota in 2016, was that all of the callouses on your feet disappear and your feet become soft as a baby.

You’ll notice that most of my selfies end up showing the shadow of my arm – I’m working on that.

More Beach Photos

We pretty much walked on the beach most days and it was amazing how much the beach changed from day-to-day. Some days after a storm much of the sand would be eroded by the waves leaving a cliff that was some times four feet high.  Then a couple of days later the sand will have returned and the cliff would be gone.